Brasil Brasil Brasil


Evento: World congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering

Local: San Antonio - USA

Data: 18/11/2013


World congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering
Dates: November 18-20, 2013
San Antonio, USA


<p class="\\"MsoNormal\\"" style="\\"text-align:" center;="" line-height:="" normal;="" margin-bottom:="" 0pt;\\"="" align="\\"center\\""> <b>Petrochemistry-2013 World Congress</b> is an excellent platform to discuss critically important research and to intensify collaborations and scientific research.<br> To know more about the conference, Please follow the link to see it<br> <a href="\\" _cke_saved_href="\\"\\"" target="\\"_blank\\""><wbr>conferences/petrochemistry-<wbr>chemical-engineering-2013/</a></p> <p></p>

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