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Seminário sobre Carbon Wonderland do Prof. Dr. Zac Bullard

19/08/2013 09:55

Nesta quarta-feira (21/08/2013) às 16 horas no Auditório do Departamento de Física, haverá o Seminário intitulado CARBON WONDERLAND do Prof. Dr. Zac Bullard do Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Este tema de grande impacto, segundo o mesmo, pode ser descrito da seguinte forma:

Carbon nanostructures can be welded to one another with electron beam radiation combined with annealing. This phenomenon has been modeled in a program named ATAC, and several examples (including step-by-step movies!) will be shown.
Additionally, carbon can display magnetic properties. Graph theory can be applied carbon structures to estimate their potential in applications such as spintronic logic, and also predict energetic feasibility.

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